I was born and raised on the Central Coast of California. After graduating from film school, I moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in film and television. My time in Los Angeles was spent working on films and television shows in various roles. These included larger projects for networks like MTV, CBS, ABC, and HULU. When not on set, I spent my time creating personal projects that focused on giving voices to communities that might otherwise be ignored. This led me to be a part of the cinematography team for a number of narrative projects and documentaries. Some of these projects premiered at festivals such as SXSW. In addition, I have worked on promotional projects for MLS, Austin FC, and Manchester City. I am continuing to grow and learn the art of Cinematography and have the honor of being a Vision Mentee with the American Society of Cinematographers.

Always a visual person, I have made it my goal to help tell all stories, but am focused on helping storytellers from the more marginalized groups in our society. My love and passion of storytelling with the visual medium is something I bring to every project.